2025 Session Sneak Peak
Do you have a construction class but do not have the space, budget, or support to create a large capstone project? Then this class is for you. This class will provide you with over a dozen small skill-based projects that will allow your students to build the skills they need with construction tools that translate to construction jobs. Each project can be tailored to your space, budget, and material needs.
Friday Harbor High School's EV Principles course empowers students to explore electric vehicle technology through hands-on learning and real-world application. This presentation showcases our students’ design and construction of a SWITCH 96V LiFePO car while mastering industry-relevant skills. We’ll also discuss exciting future collaborations, including a joint EV build with Bellingham High School, partnerships with Skagit College’s automotive program, and potential track days to test and refine vehicles. Learn how these partnerships expand career pathways, foster innovation, and inspire the next generation of EV professionals while aligning with sustainability goals.
Dig into the research on goal setting, deliberate practice, and other methods for skills improvement. Emphasis will be placed on helping students establish SMART and stretch goals within the context of CTE. Strategies and resources will be shared. (New and improved distance learning edition!)
A good article about the need for students to set their own goals:
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/opinion/children-choices-goal-setting.html -
Shape the Future of Welding Education – Your Voice Matters!
Join the Maritime Center of Excellence, Agriculture and Natural Resources Center of Excellence, and the AGC Education Foundation to explore a groundbreaking series of 180 hour welding frameworks offering state equivalency credits in Math and Science.
Your feedback is essential!
- Discover how these frameworks align welding education with academic standards.
- Share your expertise to ensure they meet educator, student, and industry needs.
- Tell us what professional development support you need.
Come ready to share, engage, and help shape the future of welding education! -
This presentation will give you an up-date on all things related to the AJAC Youth Apprenticeship program including recruitment, getting students ready for the work world, certifications, and business engagement. We will go over best practices on how to teach the Apprenticeship program, and hear from instructors on projects they use to reach the course standards. AJAC's Youth apprenticeship programs are growing throughout the state, and we need input from the instructors on how we can expand the possibilities for the students to succeed in careers in advanced manufacturing.
I use google applications extensively for collaborating with colleagues, student safety assessments and students self assessments. You will leave with access to a shared drive with student projects, safety tests, etc.
We pass by, over and under them on a nearly daily basis, but how much do your students appreciate the historical value and design considerations that go into making bridges? This session focuses on those topics as well as how to incorporate the International Bridge Contest sponsored by the Illinois Institute of Technology into your classroom. We will look into making structural dynamics, technical reading, designing for efficiency and purposeful model building a part of your expanded classroom. You will leave with a plan and a list of resources to help you implement this engaging project. Finally, we will have a friendly contest to design, build and test trusses in the session. Yes, there will be prizes.
Preparing students for the workplace requires an active partnership between business and education. Knowing what employers need helps educators prepare students for success. The world changes - fast! Today's employers can partner with educators to achieve the mutual goal of preparing workforce-ready graduates, but it requires alignment. Learn what employers need most and how to incorporate those skills into your classroom.
Our presentation is about CTE's impact on us as students and future Technology Education teachers. We will talk about CTE classes we took, the skills we learned, and how we were influenced by those classes. Our goal with this presentation is to highlight the efforts CTE teachers go through, and show the impact that their efforts have on their students. We will talk about why we are pursuing Tech Ed, we hope to inspire current teachers to find those students who would make good educators so that we can grow and maintain CTE. These objectives connect with the theme because we want to expand recruiting efforts and the possibilities of more Tech Ed/CTE teachers.
Discover the versatility of the Shaper Origin, a portable CNC router that brings precision machining to any workshop. This session will guide you through the entire process, from unboxing and setting up the tool to drawing simple shapes directly on the device. You’ll also learn how to import advanced inlays, cut paths, and access pre-programmed projects from ShaperHub. It's not just a presentation; it's your chance to get hands-on with this game-changing tool and see how the Shaper Origin can take your creations to new heights.
Nothing seems to grab students' attention and excitement more than seeing a solid-fuel rocket they built to be launched 400 feet into the air! Talk about Expanding the Possibilities for your STEM classes!
We are here to show you how the Edmonds MS team collaborated in designing and building launchers that hold five rockets that can be launched in succession. We will also share building techniques and resources for replicating this project at your school. You will walk away with lesson plans for making the rockets as well as designs and files for your launchers. -
How to utilize Canvas and Electude integration to setup a scope and sequence once and for all that grades automatically, gives instructors instant feedback and allows for more time in the shop.
Do you want to expand the possibilities by learning something new which is usually not offered in shop classes? If so, come and learn about copper enameling. Copper enameling adds a unique artistic touch to the traditional elements of shop class, and using propane torches makes it even more exciting. Integrating lessons like this would definitely give students hands-on experience with both metalworking and the science of heat treatment, materials properties, and the interaction between metal and glass. Participants will be able to make their own necklace or a pair of earrings. I will offer worksheets and a list of equipment needed. It is a fun and easy project. Come and explore something new.
Dive into how NOAA Teacher at Sea and other research opportunities can transform your teaching and inspire your students. From the Atlantic Coast to the Jungles of Brazil, this session explores how real-world STEM industry experiences expand possibilities by connecting educators to cutting-edge research, fostering new classroom strategies, and empowering students with authentic STEM learning. Learn how fieldwork at sea and collaborations with scientific organizations have brought global issues and industry realities into focus for students, sparking curiosity and career exploration. Leave with tools and inspiration to incorporate research-based experiences into your own teaching and expand possibilities for your students.
Let’s talk SAFETY!!! I know that Safety in your Lab can be overwhelming but, in this session, you will walk away with access to enough safety documentation to hopefully put your mind at ease and allow your students to perform at a secure level in your lab. We will talk about everything from monthly tool safety checks to student safety tests and records to even shop layout. Come on, let's talk shop… safety.
Expand your CNC project ideas by "Dusting off your CNC machine". Review of new project ideas. Tips and tricks on how to start using your CNC router with your students.
Expanding the possibilities for students means expanding how we see the intersection between CTE and core content areas. Burlington-Edison High School offers Podcasting as an elective dual credit English and Career Technical Education Course. Over the last four years, many students have grown as they work and create in the exciting overlap between the goals of these two content areas. Participants will learn about the targeted ELA, Leadership and Industry Standards in this course that seamlessly blends STEM and the arts. Classroom examples, pacing guides and hardware/software recommendations will be provided.
This training is designed to support your understanding of the Core Plus Construction Canvas website and the updated instructional materials. We will walk through the Canvas platform, where to find the CPC lesson plans and resources, and best practices for a strong implementation of CPC. Bring your laptop!
Do you know what to do if you have an accident in your lab?
You know- what questions will be asked, what documents you’ll need and who needs to be in the loop. This session will share all those things and more.
This is a follow-up to the safety session. -
This session will give examples of engineering challenges that can be used in a general shop environment at the middle school level. Shop layout, tools, machines and skills will also be discussed. Examples of craft stick and glue engineering challenges will also be presented, appropriate for a shoe-string budget and remote learning.
Bring your device equipped with Adobe Premiere Pro to learn the basics of editing for broadcast. Participants will learn how to edit a package from start to finish,
Ever wondered about what its like to 3D print in metal? We purchased a Markforged full Metal 3D Printing system for our engineering department, and I will go over the details of the system, what the finished product looks like, how it performs, and the cost of running such a system.
Best practices for continuous improvement from a Core Plus Aerospace shop by creating a culture where the teacher and students are invested in quality educational outcomes and satisfaction, through standard operating procedures, checklists, and employability skills.
Topics include effective student cell phone management, machine operation checklists, daily routines, shop cleanup and shop maintenance. Combine lean and learning practices to make your difficult tasks easy and achieve the 8 pillars of operational excellence in the classroom.
Commitment to Quality
Innovative Products
Process Excellence
Super Safety
Leadership Engagement
Employee Involvement
Strategic Direction and Focus
Exceeding Customer Expectations -
Think Safe, Act Safe, Be Safe. This will be presentation and discussion on how teachers can balance shop safety without losing student engagement. See how a middle school shop gives students choices on using traditional tools like the Scroll Saw and Belt Sander, or STEM output tools like 3D printers and Laser Cutters. Topics that will be shown are the difference between written and verbal tests. Also, how using a scantron bubble test can save time. Most shops and tests vary depending on each individual teacher and setup. Come see how your test questions and safety procedures compare to mine. When and How much times should students spend on taking safety tests?
CNC machines are powerful tools for creating and learning, but there is more to integrating one into your classroom than buying it and powering it up. We'll discuss the process and strategy to help you expand the capabilities of your machine as an educational tool and an instrument for unlocking your students' creativity.
This session will cover steps to get you starting making your CNC a self-sustaining part of your curriculum, and share our list of tips around the following topics:
- Machine assembly and maintenance
- Maintaining a clean and safe environment
- Work-holding that's safe and secure
- Software usage both in and out of the classroom
- Cutting materials
- How to engage students in using and maintaining the machine -
FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology.
FIRST Robotics is a global nonprofit educational program that engages students of all ages in designing, building, and programming robots to complete exciting and engaging challenges.
FIRST Robotics aligns perfectly with the theme, "Expanding the Possibilities," providing students with experiences needed to push beyond traditional learning in the classroom. By providing your students with opportunities in robotics, students gain the confidence to explore new technological frontiers, enhance critical thinking, and realize their potential in your classroom. -
A talk about the benefits of working with the Microbit and how I made the transition from Arduino to the Microbit. Will include on the lessons developed and the hardware that I created for the students to use. Will also talk about the lower cost robot platform that I will be using with my program this year
We will discuss the similarities and differences between various staff and volunteer positions, how to most effectively train them & tap into their expertise, and how to modify projects & grading to meet IEP/504 accommodations. This year I’m hoping to be able to share more information about how to approach your district leadership for full time help. Come prepared to ask questions and/or share tips.
This session equips broadcasting and filmmaking teachers with practical tools and ideas to expand programs and recruit students. Attendees gain lesson plans, project resources, and strategies for managing student roles, equipment, and file organization to streamline operations and foster creativity.
Design with your software or design it by hand. Use your lab tools (cnc, laser, 3dprint, manual tools, etc) to 'make' the design solutions. Prototyping is, or ought to be, one of your strengths. Come and share some tips and tricks. See a few projects that might challenge you. Pick up some files and ideas to take with you. Our jobs are to help you with Rhino and/or the tools and equipment in your labs. Your job is to challenge us to spend our time on projects where you might need help. Do not hesitate to reach out for support.
If you want to host a summer or a weekend teacher workshop at your school, let us know. -
EZ-Robot is the world's most versatile and easy-to-use educational robotics platform. Equally importantly, it's also incredibly engaging for students. JD has shown to dramatically increase enrollment across all demographics and levels of academic ability. Today, we'll demonstrate the EZ-Robot platform using JD and show how we're able to get 25% - 45% of High School students and 90% of Middle School students interested in learning robotics. Robotics and AI will transform the workforce and society over the coming years, and it's critical that ALL our students gain strong technical literacies.
Help students go from apathy to passion. Help students identify their WHY to give PURPOSE to their WHAT. “When you know your WHY your WHAT becomes more impactful because you’re walking towards or in your PURPOSE.” – Michael Jr. This content especially helps in project-based learning where students need to know what they are doing and how to do it. We help students do what Eric Belgau, one of our advisory members, stated best, “Know your lane, stay in it and drive fast.”
Hands-on skills involving high dexterity are the toughest to learn, costliest to train, and difficult to assess. Skillveri’s XR skill-training platform not only provides an immersive training for manufacturing sector skills but also delivers an accurate measurement in a scorecard format. Our simulators make it realistic and easy for students to learn and enable industries and institutions to provide their learners with high quality training at much lower costs. Skillveri’s platform has multiple industry relevant skills: Welding, Spray Painting, HVAC, and Solar Panel Installation. Skillveri is used to enhance learning and by no means take away from hands-on learning.
Robots can make the world a better place. Imagine a small rural low-income school surrounded by wheat fields and pastures. Now imagine a school with students designing, building, and coding robots. They can be the same place, but overcoming the challenges of time, money, and priorities can be overwhelming.
Come see how robotics and computer science can make a difference for students, encourage leadership skills, and bring a community together in unexpected ways. Also, learn from our mistakes.
Then take home some research about why it works, how to craft a plan for your school, and some great resources available in Washington State.
This session will focus on the AJAC Youth Apprenticeship technical drawing classes. Whether you teach Production Tech or Automation Tech, you need to teach a technical drawing class, and they can be very lecture heavy. In this session we will demonstrate ways to get your students more engaged, and what hands-on projects and applications can be used to reach the standards and also bring the learning to life. Instructors, please bring your ideas and hands on projects that you have used to teach the technical drawing classes so we can all benefit!