Pre-Conference Sessions

Show Your Work! Inspiring Math & Science Connections in the Core Plus Construction Classroom

Instructor: Candace Conroy

This full-day hands-on workshop focuses on practical ways to integrate math and science into construction education. Participants will share lessons and activities, collaborate on new ideas, and explore strategies to engage students while meeting industry needs. Through group discussions, hands-on problem-solving, and lesson planning, you’ll leave with ready-to-use resources and actionable strategies to enhance your construction classroom.

Aerospace Project Alignment Workshop

Instructor: Luke Wehrheim and Matt Johnson

This core plus aerospace session will be focused on hands-on project development. We will review a unique teacher submitted project: a fish Turner spatula made with rivets and wood scales. Participants will learn essential skills such as riveting, deburring, sanding, and finish application. Bring your own projects for constructive feedback as we discuss best practices for creating effective drawings and work instructions. We will have time in the day to work on aligning projects to aerospace industry needs.

Teachers Taking Flight – Gliders and Micro Drones Edition

Instructor: Trevor Sill

Middle-school CTE teachers: (high-school too…) during the first half of the day, learn how to introduce your students to aviation concepts through engineering and design projects with foamboard gliders. For the second half of the day, we’ll experience the exciting world of indoor remote-control First Person View micro-drones and how they can be a part of STEM project-based learning.  Using lesson modules and resources from Flite Test STEM, participants will learn how to integrate STEM model aviation into your classroom. You will leave this training with a two foamboard gliders, First Person View micro-drone, transmitter, goggles, and race/obstacle track elements, and several FT STEM micro-drone and Airfoil Glider lesson modules (each encompassing at least 2-3 weeks of instruction) to guide you in the classroom.

Core Plus Maritime:  Deep Dive Into The Basics

Instructor: Tory Gering

Some boat building competencies can be intimidating, but not in this workshop!  Join the US Naval Undersea Warfare Center and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to build and test underwater ROVs.   The US Navy and MIT co-created a project-based curriculum called Sea Perch - they make buoyancy, propulsion, and system integration seem easy. These ROV projects can be made without shop capacity, are inexpensive to build, and work for grades 6 – 12.  Most importantly, they’re FUN!

Teachers will break into teams and spend the morning building underwater ROVs, after lunch we’ll test the ROVs at the Wenatchee Coast Hotel pool.  Workshop Leads (which includes a Torpedo Technician!) will deliver content the same way they deliver it to students.  OPEN TO ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE AND CTE BACKGROUNDS.  You’ll leave with a greater appreciation for WA state and better understanding of maritime careers and technology.

Epoxy Molds

Instructor: Matthew Duerre

A general run through of common epoxy projects and methods, tips and tricks and sourcing of  materials.  A demonstration, followed by attendees doing a set of coasters.   Molds, epoxy and glitter/dye to change the epoxy color will be provided.  If attendees wanted to bring objects to float they may bring their own trinkets like dried flowers, stickers etc.